3rd adult ballet class (workshop 2) + working in the U.S. as a non-native English speaker

Today’s class is very similar to last one, in which we again practiced tendu and plié in great detail.

Some key takeaways:

Extending your calf:

In today’s class, our teacher asked us to try extending our calves and plant our feet deeply into the ground, shifting our weight to the ball of our feet as much as possible. While maintaining our turnout. This posture should be maintained no matter what you do as long as your legs are straightened - tendu, standing, etc.


Thus, while doing tendu with extending your calf, you need to think about firing up your inner thigh all the time. Push your leg out, and then use your inner thigh to do most of the work pulling your leg back, while still extending your calf. Your foot should also be pushing into the floor the whole time while pulling your leg back.

Grand Plié:

While you are doing grand plié, especially if you are putting your weight forward to the balls of your feet, it is especially easy to push your butt backwards in a squat position. An imagery I find helpful is imagine your pelvis as a bowl full of water. When you plié down, shifting your upper body downward, you need to imagine that water in the bowl should not spill to the outside. It is as if you are holding a bowl filled with water with your hands, and you are shifting that bowl up and down. Although this time the two joints connecting your legs and pelvis are holding that bowl, and is shifting that bowl up and down without spilling water. And voila, there you go, a perfect grand plié!

Port de bras:

While you are doing port de bras and bending your back backwards and arm raised, it is notable that the arm should actually be more backward than what is natural for you. It is normally placed around your ear, because your need to show your face while doing the movement.

Basically, the flow of movements should be as followed:

First position - raise your arms to rib cage level while tilting your head to the left while eyes looking at the right hand - transform into second position by expanding the two arms like pushing a door, stop when the arms reached the corners of the square of space that you occupies - keep moving arms to the side, eyes looking at right arm - allongé while looking at your pinkie finger - move your arms down (notice that there is a delay movement starting from shoulder -upper arm - lower arm). You freeze your higher upper arm first while still moving your mid upper arm lower, and then freeze your mid upper arm, keep moving your lower arm lower, and so on. Normally, you would lose the grip on all arm and let it relax and swing inward, and then adjust back to the first/zero position where you keep a space between your armpit and your upper arm. That natural swing is wrong - you need to lift your arm all the time, not even when you transition from allongé to first position!

Yes, ballet is hard!

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Eleventh workshop and adult ballet back then!

This weekend was pretty fun! I attended a brunch with a Slavic lit professor from my school at my alumni club, who later brought us to watch the met opera (Queen of Spades!) It was my first time seeing an opera, and I was worried that I was gonna fall asleep in the middle of the performance, because it is 3.5 hours long! The opera was quite dramatic, with lots of strong emotions that were powerfully demonstrated through singing. I was sitting at the edge of the seat the whole time!

During brunch at my alumni club, I met a few amiable alumni who were in town to attend their grandkids’ birthday party. A woman was talking about how when she was a young professional in the 1970s, she discovered that her boss, a very proper, gentleman looking lawyer, was taking ballet classes after work! So she started taking ballet with him. It was a different era, so when other people asked them, what do you do for a living? They had to say they worked office jobs, sitting around all day and typing out words. They had to disguise that they were lawyers, because at that time, people could not imagine lawyers dancing ballet. Such a different time back then! Now the CEO of Goldman Sachs doubles as a DJ who regularly performs at the hottest night clubs in New York!

Ok, now back to class! Today was a really demanding but good class, we perfected several movements:

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Ninth workshop and post-holiday routine

So it turns out I spent a little bit too much money during holidays (oops) and I now need to think of new ways to save money again. Therefore I plan to cook my own meals and cancel my gym membership. That would probably put my savings back on track!

However, meal prep is def more work than it seems - there are lots of planning and logistics going on! Like during nights when you plan to be productive with book reading/blog writing, you find out you run out of rice and have to make a trip to the supermarket. Or you realize you dont have time to go back home tomorrow to cook but you only have leftovers left for 2 more meals. And also after I finish making dinner, eat it, wash the dishes and do all the chores, I am so exhausted that I am no longer productive. Ughh!!

I find that it is mostly because I sit in my bed a lot of the time, and then the next thing I know is when I wake up in the morning… today I try to avoid my bed before bed time and sit in a chair. So far, it works and I am still writing this blog! Sometimes, all it takes is some determination and a change of environment.

So far for the weekly thoughts, now back to ballet!

On Monday, we did a lot of rond de jumbe, did some tendu, pique, and ended with an exercise of the second port de bras.

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